- Seeing Trash around the Landfill and Adjoining Streets?
- Trash Trucks on Balboa: Are they Legal?
- Problems with the Landfill?
- Report Illegal Dumping
- Breaking a Flourescent Lamp can be Deadly
- Council Video Connection – Why go downtown?
- You can address the City Council from the Valley Municipal Building in Van Nuys.
- Click on link for directions: https://lacity.org/councilconnect/
- Patriot Oil
SCAQMD Town Hall Meeting with Granada Hills community regarding Sunshine Canyon Landfill Odor Complaints, April 16, 2016
The meeting was held at the Van Gogh Elementary School, Granada Hills, CA (Unedited Full Video link below) SCAQMD Slide Presentation (13 page downloadable PDF link below): https://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/compliance/Sunshine-Canyon-Landfill/scl---town-hall-meeting-04-21-2016-final.pdf?sfvrsn=4
2015 Worst Year Ever – How Bad have the Odors from Sunshine Canyon Landfill been and how many Notices of Violation have they gotten in the last Seven Years?
GraphicalSunshineComplaintHistory_December2015 Complaint-NOVSummary_010616
Say No to Landfill Odors!
Join us Saturday September 19th at 9:00 AM At Sunshine Canyon Landfill Entrance 14747 San Fernando Road Sylmar 91342 Park at County Assessor’s Office located at 13800 Balboa Blvd., Sylmar 91342 and we can shuttle you to the site as
1991 Earthquake and Pictures of Sunshine Canyon Landfill and Newhall-Saugus Pass
SCAQMD NVC Response to Notice of Intent 022912
SCAQMD NVC Response to Notice of Intent 022912
NVC letter to RWQCB re Tentative Revision SCL WDR MRP 011515
NVC letter to RWQCB re Tentative Revision SCL WDR MRP 011515