The NVC administers the Patriot Oil Trust Fund, and we are using the funds in the following ways that we hope will please you. We will be providing security in the form of a private patrol in the community, particularly focusing on problem areas such as inappropriate and illegal late-night activities around Sesnon, O’Melveny Park, Bee Canyon Park, and Van Gogh School. We are also donating a Kiosk to the parks for posting information about community activities, lost animals, etc. Additionally, we are purchasing an automatic dialing machine for use by the neighborhood homeowners organizations, non-profits, the Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council, and local schools.
We are pleased to have Bee Canyon Park extended to Balboa Boulevard. The restoration of the creek, planting of new trees, the outdoor classroom and revegetation were all made possible through funds provided by the Sunshine Canyon Amenities Committee Trust Fund, and funds obtained through the 12th District Council office. Unfortunately, the playground is closed, as are many throughout the City. This is due to a requirement that the rubber mats be replaced by sand, and that the swings be upgraded for safety reasons. Money for the upgrades will not be available until spring, if then. Rest assured, that the NVC will aggressively pursue funding to open this important area.
Report on the State Senate Select Committee on Urban Landfills
The discussion focused on the State Audit of Integrated Waste Management which was completed in December 2000. The audit proved we were right in our belief that there was ‘limited authority and weak oversight which diminished the ability to protect public health and the environment’.
We are encouraged by the agreement of all of the senators, the recycling groups, and most of the enforcement agencies that urban landfills do not belong in residential neighborhoods and that there are serious issues that need to be resolved and alternatives to be implemented. We look forward to all of them ( Los Angeles City Mayor Jim Hahn, all of the County Supervisors, and the State Senators) working together to solve our landfill problem. Thanks to all of you who sent representatives on your behalf.
These discussions will continue in various communities around the state until this problem is resolved. The next scheduled meeting is in Hacienda Heights on September 19th, 2001.
We REALLY wish to thank all of our neighbors and coalition members who got up and took the bus downtown. Public support shows everybody how important this issue is to the Valley. We thank you very much. And of course, if anyone wishes to go to the September 19, 2001st meeting, we could rent another bus!
Starting this month, we will be given regular reports from our Councilman’s office for our newsletter. Greig Smith, Chief Deputy, will be informing us of issues that affect us so that we can have some input before actions take place or decisions are made. We would all like to know what is going on before it happens rather than being shocked to wake up one morning and have a retail store on our cul-de-sac. Okay that never really happened, but you get the picture .
Thank you, Greig.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of joining, attending and volunteering to sit on committees at your neighborhood council meetings.