Join the Fight
Becoming a member helps everyone. To ensure that we are heard, we need the support of our members and the community to lend their voices of opposition to the landfill whenever the opportunity presents itself.
We all need to stand up to these historically bad neighbors and show the City, the County, and the State that we care about our families, the environment, and our community. The reasons that we stay are many, but for most of us we cannot just move away from this problem, either because we have put down roots in this community, may have extended families nearby, kids at school, a job, and/or just the plain economics of moving, to name a few.
If you own a home here, how do you in all good conscience, sell your house to someone who has kids?
What does it do to your property values when you have to tell potential buyers that you are living next to a public nuisance?
Did you know that from January 2009 thru November 2020, the landfill has received 12,117 odor complaints and 231 Notices of Violation for Public Nuisance.
Help us tell BFI/Republic Services, the Councilperson for the 12th Council District, and the County Supervisor for the 5th District, that you do not want one of the biggest landfills in the United States in your community, near your water supply, nor fouling the air with odors, or poisoning the air with PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter, that you and your children breathe. Tell the various agencies such as the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the Sunshine Canyon Landfill-Local Enforcement Agency (SCL-LEA) that oversee the landfill’s operations to do their job.
BFI/Allied Waste/Republic Industries have, and will continue to detrimentally impact you and your children, so they can continue to make money. They don’t care about you. The day that they don’t make a dollar is the day that they will be gone. Trash is big business, and with the millions of tons of trash that they are still permitted to take until 2037, that amounts to billions of dollars in revenue and profit, so the measly fines of around $8,500 per Notice of Violation (NOV) by the SCAQMD were and are, “just a cost of doing business”, and are not a deterrent.
BFI/Republic has spent millions of dollars hiring experts, lawyers, private detectives, and political lobbyists to fight the NVC and in trying to influence our incumbent politicians and the agencies that oversee their disposal operations. Currently, they are lobbying them all to try to get up to 10,000 tons per day of dirt over the next 18 years in addition to their current permitted 12,100 tons per day trash.
We are staffed by volunteer families and individuals – no one receives a salary. You do not have to pay to become a member, but your contributions help us in many ways, and any amount is appreciated. If you wish to specifically contribute to our legal fund please mark “legal fund” on the memo line, however, please note that donations to the legal fund are not deductible.
Please mail your contribution to:
North Valley Coalition
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd
PO Box 172
Granada Hills, CA 91344